Naruto Mugen Project: 101
Hey guys, its smoothy-smoothy. Well I've been giving it some thought, and i decided that we should have a mugen game exclusively for our site.
I can't exactly come up with a creative name so i decided to call it naruto 101.The reason why i called it 101 is because there will be 101 chars.
It will also have 50 stages. If you want to be a part of the naruto 101 project, leave a comment in this entry or pm me about it. Here are the jobs:
1. Coder- a person who makes the chars
2. Music Man- a person to come up with the music for the thingy
3. Sound Man- a person to do the sound effects
4. Stage Editor- a person to edit/make the stages
5. Screenpack Maker-a person to make the screenpack for the game
6. LifeBars- a person to make the lifebars
7. Minigames Man- a person to make the minigames(optional)
8. Story/Plot- a person to come up with the story or plot of the game(optional)
Added (2008-03-31, 2:51 Pm)
i merged this thread